Saturday, April 16, 2011

Passport, Received

On Saturday, 4/16, the mailman delivered to me my passport. Two and a half weeks ago, I applied for it, thinking Carol and I would take some of our grandchildren on a brief excursion to Canada this summer. Then, the opportunity came for the trip to Kenya, and the Canada trip got re-scheduled to later in the year, perhaps when it will be cooler.

Anyway, if you received your passport by mail, did you have to again swear your allegiance to the United States, and run around the mail truck with your shirt off, flapping your arms and making a sound like an eagle, and singing"My Country, 'Tis of Thee," (all four verses), or did my postman take me for a ride?


  1. I know that postman. He took you for a ride! :-)

  2. Hey, Son, sounds to me like you had fun doing that anyway, even if he did take you for a ride. Wish you had called me so I could have seen it. Carol, is there a video? Love, Mom
