Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tonight, Carol and I read I Thessalonians 3 & 4 in our Bible reading. Paul wrote this epistle relatively early on in his ministry. In the first part of chapter 3, he was telling the Thessalonian believers not to be surprised that both he and they were being afflicted - he had warned them ahead of time that these trials would come. In fact, he said, Christians have been destined for trials. In their cases, it most likely meant being persecuted for their faith.

Wow. Who wants to join a club whose membership are destined for trials and afflictions? I think of several in our church body who have very painful physical afflictions. I read and teach through the gospel accounts where Jesus healed all sorts of people of all sorts of sicknesses. Sometimes it is a story about a specific individual, sometimes it is just a simple statement like often occurs in the Gospel of Matthew, that "He healed them all," in reference to large numbers of sick people coming to Jesus. As I pray for these faithful saints, I point out to God how much He would be glorified if He acted to heal them, either directly or through conventional medical means. Then I must consider this.
  1. God was greatly glorified when Christ healed people directly during His physical ministry on earth.
  2. I consider how greatly God would be glorified if He would heal and ease the affliction of those believers for whom I pray.
  3. If God chooses to not heal them, perhaps it is because He receives more glory as the rest of us look on, and see how He manifests Himself in the lives of these individuals through these trials.
  4. How great that glory must be!

1 comment:

  1. And, thus, God is being glorified through you my friend. :o)
