Sunday, July 15, 2018

Two Salient Facts

Carol and I went to see my cancer doc this past week. Two salient facts emerged from the latest round of chemo that ended this past Friday night: 1) The chemo round was very hard, and 2) The chemo was not effective.

1) The chemo round was very hard.  The words do not come anywhere close to conveying the reality of the situation, but no reason to go into details here. No matter how bad it gets, I have only to look around and it is not long to find others in worse situations than me.

2) The chemo was not effective. Instead of decreasing, the cancer-indicating parameter actually increased by about 30% this time. The doctor considers this to be a "bump" but not yet a trend. We will go one more round with the current med, but may need to look to another drug soon. I already had an appointment scheduled for Mayo in late August, so we will go and gain the benefits of their insights.

As always, your love, prayers, encouragement and concern are much appreciated.

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