Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cancer Update 2/15/11

Just a quick update, because many of you are so faithful to ask about how things are going with me. Last week I had a blood sample taken, then went to see the cancer doc yesterday. In the 2 and 1/2 months since my last check-up, the cancer has increased slightly, but is still low enough to not warrant resuming the chemo therapy. In fact, if I were to go in for a routine physical exam today, there would not be sufficient cancer to show up and send me on for further examination.

Overall, I feel fine most days, and just have to call it quits on some evening activities and get some rest. Every week that goes by off of the chemo, I am feeling better and stronger. I have been swimming 4 km (2.5 miles) per week, and hope to swim 5 km (3 miles) this week. I am also trying some new things to deal with lingering pain in the feet from past chemo treatments, and it seems to be going well.

Thanks for caring and praying. I am grateful to God for the 8.5 months I have been off of chemo, and am also grateful that I do not have to resume it for at least a while.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Pics

Here are some winter pictures of some grandkids that my daughters-in-law have posted recently.

In Texas, she says "COLD!"

Illinois Bennetts on skis.

Auggie the Eagle!

Safe and warm, mostly.

This year for our anniversary (#35) Carol bought me a pole mounted chain saw. It is cool, and getting some dead branches down from the front yard is an added benefit. Here's me with my truck parked in my neighbor's yard to reach and cut down one of her dead branches.