Just before Halloween, Carol and I got to take the two local grand girls to Hall Johnson Farm in Colleyville. The bottom photo is a video.
Just before Halloween, Carol and I got to take the two local grand girls to the Hall Johnson Farm nearby.
Cathy Street, 11th grade English. She was not much older than we were, but taught us how to really write and use the English language. She was also known, on occasion, to stop in her yellow VW bug and give a ride to a student walking to school on a cold winter morning.
Lt. Col. Henry B. Edwards, US Army Retired, Military Science. What he taught (and exemplified) in his Principle of Leadership course, I have used all my life.
Ruth A. Mills, 10th grade geometery. A real life changer in my life. Three weeks into the class, I was flunking miserably. As she handed me back my weekly test, one that had a LOW "F" for its grade, she looked me fiercely in the eye and said, "Now you can do better than that!" I believed Mrs. Mills to be smart and honest, so I went home and did not get up from my desk until I had mastered the fundamentals of the material to that date. The next week, I made a 100 on the weekly test, and never made below a 96 on any weekly test or exam in that class for the rest of the year. Later, Mrs. Mills wrote for me a nice recommendation that helped me get a scholarship to college to study engineering, and just a whole lot of how I've made my living for 36 years has been based on geometry I learned from Mrs. Mills.
October 8 & 9, Spartans from across the country and around the globe convened in Memphis, Tennessee, to celebrate the fact that we graduated together 40 years ago, and are still around to talk about it and remember it today. About 150 alumni and spouses gathered at a classmate's house on Friday evening, and then about 250 of the same got together for the big shindig on Saturday evening.
Saturday evening's party was on the 33rd floor of a tower near our alma mater and it was really nice. It started with a buffet dinner and a short program, then the alumni gathered at one side of the room for the group photo below. While assembling for the photo, we sang the school fight song with much gusto (remembering to stomp the right foot on the rah! rah! rah! part). There were about 150 alumi in the photo below, so don't bother trying to find anyone you know.
I guess this was the only part of the evening when things were still and somewhat quiet, because after that the dancing and singing started and went on past midnight. Memphis folks know how to sing, and somewhat how to dance.
Below is a picture of how the main entrance to my alma mater looks today, a sad shell of its former self. I guess looking at it must be like looking at the ruins of an ancient civilization. When we attended there, WSHS was the city powerhouse in terms of academics, football, and basketball. Today, I see from their website that their record is 2-5 to this point in the season. I hope their academics are still strong.